About Chasdei Meir

With over Two decades of service to the needy the “Chasdei Meir Charity Fund”

has been helping the destitute

pic_01 throughout Israel, especially in Judea and Samaria.

In spite of our enemies who wish to force the Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria out of their homes as a first stage in a war of annihilation of the State of Israel, and in the face of murderous terror acts on a daily basis – they are carrying on!

They are doing the work for all of us by holding on to our precious land.

This effort, though, is exacting a heavy price: bereaved families, settlements which have suffered disasters, impassable roads and a difficult economic situation.

Let’s Give A Helping Hand and Be a Partner – Show Your Support!

The “Chasdei Meir Charity Fund” distributes food, vital supplies, tractors, protection equipment, generators, clothing, winter gear and financial loans to families in Eretz Israel in general, and in Judea and Samaria in particular.

*The Chasdei Meir Charity Fund is named after Rabbi Meir Kahane HY”D.

A U.S. Tax-exempt organization